As a Senior Scientist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Roger Hanlon delves into the undersea world of chameleon...
Category - TED Talks
In a captivating, poetic ode to the beauty and strength of mixed languages, writer Julián Delgado Lopera paints a picture of immigrant and queer...
In a practical, playful talk, leadership visionary Anne Morriss reinvents the playbook for how to lead through change — with a radical, one...
Niki Okuk is working to create social and economic justice and worker dignity. Watch her full TED Talk:
Neurotechnology, or devices that let you track your own brain activity, could help you deeply understand your health. But without privacy...
Cameron Webb is a scientist who spends his summers sloshing about in the wetlands of Sydney seeking out mosquitoes and working out how best to beat...
Could the next wonder drug be somewhere in Canada’s snowy north? Take a trip to this beautiful, frigid landscape as chemist Normand Voyer...
Why are “good colleges” often the ones that accept the fewest students? Exposing the harmful consequences of society’s obsession...
Alysa McCall offers solutions for protecting polar bears (and their human neighbors) as Arctic sea ice melts. Watch her full TED Talk:
In the US, youth in foster care are nearly twice as likely as war veterans to suffer from PTSD. Placed in foster care at just 11 months old, 2023...